
THE GAMUTT: Entertainment /Lifestyle Blog

THE GAMUTT: Entertainment /Lifestyle Blog

Mountain DON'T! #PepsiCo DUMPS #LilWayne from #DEWeezy campaign over #EmmittTill CONTROVERSY! [details]

Posted: 03 May 2013 05:18 PM PDT

Well even Stevie Wonder probably saw this one coming.  Mountain Dew DUMPS Lil' Wayne over Emmitt Till controversy!
This has just not been a GOOD WEEK for PepsiCO.  First the racist undertone of the Tyler the Creator commercial, and now this.

On Future's "Karate Chop" remix, Weezy's disrespectfully compared having sex with a woman to the beating Till received in 1955. The 14-year-old was visiting family in Mississippi and was attacked for whistling at a White woman. Till's mother famously refused to have a closed-casket service, letting the world see how her son's face had been brutally dismembered by the White suspects cleared for the murder.

Lil' Wayne issued a STATEMENT about the disrespectful lyric, but not a REAL APOLOGY. He said that he had "tremendous respect for those who paved the way for the liberty and opportunities that African-Americans currently enjoy."

The Till family rejected the half-hearted 'apology', and that statement was NOT ENOUGH to safe face in the eyes of PepsiCo.

From the Associated Press:
PepsiCo said in a statement late Friday that Wayne's "offensive reference to a revered civil rights icon does not reflect the values of our brand." It declined to provide any further comment.
A publicist for Lil Wayne, Sarah Cunningham, said in a statement that the split was due to "creative differences" and that it was an amicable parting.

"That's about all I can tell you at this time," the statement from Wayne's publicist said.
The controversy erupted after Wayne made the reference to Till on Future's song "Karate Chop" earlier this year. He refers to beating someone during a sexual act and says he wants to do as much damage as was done to Till.

One day these public figures, although they profess to not being ROLE MODELS, will be accountable for the things they say or do while representing a BRAND.


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Flashback Friday- #GoodTimes 'Fun Girl' FOUND! #SharonBrown THEN & NOW! [videos]

Posted: 03 May 2013 05:17 PM PDT

I have had this fascination with "Fun Girl".  Remember the girl from 'Good Times' in the wheelchair that deceived Michael over the CB (The world's 1st Chat Line-LOL).  She played 'Nancy' the young lady who was bound to a wheelchair, but took a liking to Michael over a CB conversation where Michael pretended to be J.J.

Fun Girl from Good time is ne' Sharon Brown. daughter of Johnny Brown who played Bookman on the show.
Film credits include A Chorus Line (1985), For Keeps (1988), Sister Act 2 (1993), What's Love Got to Do with It (1993), Blues Brothers 2000 (1998) and Introducing Dorothy Dandridge (1999). On television, Brown played the character Daisy on the CBS soap opera Love of Life in 1971, and she originated the role of Chantel on the NBC soap Generations from 1989 to 1990. She portrayed a young Louise in a 1981 flashback episode of The Jeffersons titled "And the Doorknobs Shined Like Diamonds". Other episodic television credits include Good Times, A Different World and The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
In case you STILL don't remember, take a look:

Fun Girl part 2
You may also remember Sharon Brown from this hit sitcom as well....   Like us on Facebook  Join us on Instagram    Follow us on Twitter  www.thegamutt.com

#Oprah SCORES in-depth interview with #JasonCollins! Topic:Homosexuality & the Black Church! [video]

Posted: 03 May 2013 05:18 PM PDT

You KNEW this HAD to happen.  The QUEEN of Media, Oprah Winfrey scores an in-depth interview with NBA's Jason Collins.

In the 90-minute special airing on Cinco de Mayo on OWN, Oprah chats with Collins about his decison to come out and the support and some BACKLASH in the wake of his announcment to the world.  She also talks to his family members including his TWIN BROTHER, Jarron, about the STIGMA of homosexuality and the Black Church!
"You obviously know that within the African-American culture, which I didn't know until like a decade ago, that the stigma of being gay is even worse than it is in the general population," Oprah says.

To which Jason responds,

 "I think that it has to deal with a lot of just how hand-in-hand the church is with the African-American community, and trust me I grew up in a very religious family," Jason responds. "I knew as an African-American, it adds another dimension to the discussion."
Oprah's Next Chapter Jason Collins

Oh, it gets JUICIER! Collins' FAMILY weighs in on how his coming out impacted them as well. Take a SNEAK PEEK HERE!

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#AntoineDodson PREACHES the 'Gospel'! Says he DOES NOT worship Satan! [video]

Posted: 03 May 2013 12:32 PM PDT

Well, TMZ has really RUFFLED Antoine Dodson today!  The popular site posted a story that insinuated that Internet sensation, Antoine Dodson's new 'religion' may include WORSHIPING SATAN!

Well that did not sit well with Antoine, so he has FIRED BACK at TMZ in a colorful and prophet-filled VIDEO explaining the 'Gospel....according to Dodson'.

I am not one to LAUGH in the face of other people's beliefs so I will not....right now. But, I do BELIEVE that someone is GRASPING at another 15 minutes of FAME. I'm just saying MY BROTHA!!!  All this hubbub reminded me of THIS......



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#MariahCarey New single #Beautiful cover art REVEALED!

Posted: 03 May 2013 11:55 AM PDT

Multi-platinum, multi-Grammy winning, Mariah Carey is poised for a HUGE return to music on Monday, May 6th with the release of her hotly-anticipated single, 'Beautiful'.

I know you can't wait to see just what MC has cooked up THIS TIME AROUND, but there are still a few more days until the big release.  But until then, you can at least GAZE at the SINGLE cover art that features, Miguel.

 Mariah Carey Unveils #Beautiful (ft. Miguel) Single Cover


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#TheToday show ANCHORS CAN'T DANCE like #Psy! #MattLauer Dances like a 'Gentleman'? [video]

Posted: 03 May 2013 11:15 AM PDT

Watch Matt Lauer and 'The Today' show EMBARRASS themselves trying to dance like Korean sensation, Psy.

Gangnam Style still ALIVE!!!? I guess SO.... Ask Matt Lauer.

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'Hide Yo Kids, Hide Yo Wife', #AntoineDodson says he is NO LONGER GAY! Seeking a WIFE NOW! [details]

Posted: 03 May 2013 09:03 AM PDT

Remember BEFORE there was 'Sweet Brown', we had one of the 1st 'Internet Sensations' in the form of Antoine Dodson.
In case you FORGOT Dodson, let's RECAP, shall we.

Dodson had moderate fame from this news interview and has been inand out of the spotlight for various ventures and run-ins with the LAW. But now it seems DODSON is back in the news because he CLAIMS he is NO LONGER GAY!
In a FACEBOOK posting, Antoine Dodson has decided to RENOUNCE his GAYNESS!

"I want a wife and family, I want to multiply and raise and love my family that I create."

He explains, "I could care less about the fame and fortune, I've giving all that up to know the true history of the bible. For I am the True Chosen Hebrew Israelite descendant of Judah."

Dodson goes on to explain"

"As True Israel I know that there are certain things we just can't do. And I totally understand that now. I don't need a Mercedes Benz, I don't need a big house in Beverly Hills all I need is the Most High and my family (Israel). I have been awaken by the great and so should you."

He concludes,

"Hate me if you must, bash me if you must, I won't break, do what you will, for this is my calling."

Okay, there you have it. Dodson is single and looking to start a family, so any interested WOMEN, hit him on Facebook! Until then hide your WIVES guys, Dodson maybe on the PROWL!!



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