
Dumb Little Man: 7 Smart Ways to Becoming Your Best Possible Self

Dumb Little Man: 7 Smart Ways to Becoming Your Best Possible Self

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7 Smart Ways to Becoming Your Best Possible Self

Posted: 24 May 2013 03:26 PM PDT

Have you ever wanted to be the best version of yourself?

Think of it: loaded with money, lots of high-profile friends, amazing job with amazing benefits...

…sounds pretty good, right?

Most of us would agree that becoming our best selves is something we'd like to do. Unfortunately, it usually ends up being nothing more than wishful thinking. And for one reason or another we can't get past that "thinking" stage, so we don't know what actions to take.
Lets go back to our earlier vision: lots of money, cool friends, amazing job. Good stuff here, great even. But does having these things make you the best you can be? Once you have these things, can you officially take the mantle of "best self?"


Because it's not about what you have in life, but what you consistently do that matters.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. -Aristotle

So then, best isn't a matter of have, but habits. This leads us to our next question - what habits will make you your best self?


Good, cause I've compiled a list of the "best" habits you can have for becoming your best possible self.
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