
Dumb Little Man: Getting Things Done: The Art of Time Management

Dumb Little Man: Getting Things Done: The Art of Time Management

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Getting Things Done: The Art of Time Management

Posted: 28 May 2013 09:48 AM PDT

Drop into any office during peak working hours and you are sure to find people busy at their desks trying to get their day's work done; yet, at the end of the day, it seems like there is still so much left undone. 

Speak to any stay-at-home parent and you will find them complaining of always racing against the clock to get all their jobs done. 

What's the problem here? It's obviously not a lack of effort because everyone works pretty hard; it is more likely to be a lack of an important skill – time management. 

If you find yourself nodding in reply to the description of people stressed for time, here are a few ideas you may find useful in managing time better.
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