
Regretful Morning » drinking stories, walk of shame, college humor, booty call, funny videos

Regretful Morning » drinking stories, walk of shame, college humor, booty call, funny videos

Don’t Have Friends? Try This

Posted: 03 May 2013 04:00 PM PDT

In all honesty this doesn’t really work every time.  I’ve had girls tell me that they just wanna be friends, and then I say “OK let’s hang out as friends” thinking to myself I’ll just feed them shots until I look good.  But they usually just stop texting back.

Your Weekly WTF in GIF Format (10 Pics)

Posted: 03 May 2013 10:33 AM PDT

Today’s version of the weekly WTF will be in GIF format. Real quick warning before you click: Some of these are…questionable to say the least – and you probably shouldn’t view this from work. Friday fun fact: You can buy a 500 pound barrel of lube on Amazon for around $1200.

15 Examples of Cute Girls Getting Wet

Posted: 03 May 2013 08:00 AM PDT

Summer is almost upon us. That can mean a few things. BBQs, bonfires, fishing trips – and most importantly young ladies will be trying to cool off. Sometimes, a young filly needs to take that extra step to escape the heat. Here’s a tribute to them. Double Standards – Demotivational Posters Instagram Snapshot: Emmanuelle Chriqui's [...]

Japanese Girl Explains Empire Strikes Back

Posted: 03 May 2013 06:00 AM PDT

About 5 months ago we posted a video of that Japanese girl explaining Star Wars.  Mika will now continue explaining how the original trilogy unfolds with an accurate recap of Empire Strikes Back. I could listen to this voice all day.

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