
Regretful Morning » drinking stories, walk of shame, college humor, booty call, funny videos

Regretful Morning » drinking stories, walk of shame, college humor, booty call, funny videos

These High School Girls Went Full Retard

Posted: 06 May 2013 04:00 PM PDT

I think they were trying to say “Illuminati” but it’s really hard to tell when you’re dealing with subhuman intelligence.

Are We Ready For Immortality?

Posted: 06 May 2013 10:11 AM PDT

Scientists have been looking for ways to beat aging for quite some time. There are two different ways that we are currently pursuing. The first way would be the route of Ray Kurzweil who wants to re-create or download your current brain into hardware. While many scientists feel that this is possible, it will take [...]

Sexy Yoga Pants To Start The Week (21 Pics)

Posted: 06 May 2013 08:00 AM PDT

Happy Monday, class.  How was your weekend?  Mine was groovy, thanks for asking.  First I went to watch Iron Man 3D, and when I saw that Tony Stark dies, I went and stuffed my depressed little face.  Damn, did I just ruin Iron Man 3 for you?  Sorry, here are some girls in yoga pants [...]

Kid in the Cockpit

Posted: 06 May 2013 06:00 AM PDT

Did you guys know that they no longer allow kids in the cockpit of planes?  I remember one of the highlights of flying as a kid, was being able to go upfront to meet the pilots and see all of the awesome buttons and lights.  Goddamn terrorists! It’s weird how they continued to let kids [...]

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