
Dumb Little Man: Achieving Your Goals: How To Go From Spinning Your Wheels To Incredible Traction

Dumb Little Man: Achieving Your Goals: How To Go From Spinning Your Wheels To Incredible Traction

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Achieving Your Goals: How To Go From Spinning Your Wheels To Incredible Traction

Posted: 25 May 2013 11:21 AM PDT

The brutal truth of achieving your long term goal is this: It's hard to get the traction you need to succeed.

There are so many things you need to get done it can be completely overwhelming. You get paralyzed, you get distracted, and instead of chipping away at our dream, you let it go.

Unless you find a way to make significant headway on your long term goals, you'll never reach them.

I want to show you how Riley Dallas went from spinning his wheels and overwhelmed with to-dos to a successful software service launch in just three weeks using my quarterback method.

The problem with being productive

Riley is an ambitious guy. He dreams of bootstrapping a software business and escaping the corporate world once and for all. He has a crystal clear vision. He has concrete goals. He has a plan to attack his dream daily.

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