
Dumb Little Man: Career Advice: 3 Reasons You Should Transform Your Talent into a Money Making Service

Dumb Little Man: Career Advice: 3 Reasons You Should Transform Your Talent into a Money Making Service

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Career Advice: 3 Reasons You Should Transform Your Talent into a Money Making Service

Posted: 30 May 2013 08:55 AM PDT

I never really believed that it was possible to play, and still make money until I started playing.

I played really hard for one year, but for some reason, I didn't go broke!

Many people told me to get serious with my life and get a job. But being stubborn as I was, I played harder! Even my dog started to wonder who between the two of us was the real dog.

That's what happens when you do what you love.

The idea of making money has gotten so serious that a lot of us now do it with frowns on our faces. Providing value in exchange for money starts to look like a herculean task and the only thing your eyes are on is, "when the heck will this money come in?"
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