
THE GAMUTT: Entertainment /Lifestyle Blog

THE GAMUTT: Entertainment /Lifestyle Blog

#TamarBraxton Flaunts FAB BODY after BABY! Back at work ALREADY! [pics]

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 09:40 PM PDT

A little thing like GIVING BIRTH is not going to slow reality show star and SONGSTRESS Tamar Braxton!

Tamar gave birth less than a month ago and is already BACK TO WORK---and looking FAB while doing so!!

Tamar tweeted the above pic with the words:

  1. Logan is chillin & she's 💅

#TheRock Dwayne Johnson TRAINS HARD for 'Hercules' Role! [pics]

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 09:22 PM PDT

Check out  17 time WWE champ, turned actor, Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson as he trains HARD for his upcoming role as 'Hercules' in "Hercules: The Thracian Wars," a fantastical action-adventure directed by Brett Ratner ("X-Men: The Last Stand") based on the Greek myth of the mighty muscle man born of the immortal Zeus and the mortal Alcmene.
 (Photo: Dwayne Johnson/Twitter)

A series of photos that Johnson himself provided via Twitter show him hard at work to become Hercules. One pic shows him grimacing (we're sure it's just for show) as he pulls down weighted cables to work his upper arm muscles. The medium shot reveals that Johnson will be just as muscular than he was in "Pain & Gain" though perhaps not as, well, wide — his stomach and chest appear to be more toned than they were in Bay's film, giving him more of an athlete's physique than a hardcore bodybuilder's.

 (Photo: Dwayne Johnson/Twitter)

'Hercules' IMPACTS July 2014!!

Did you MISS #LHHATL Season 2 Ep.10? Watch all the DRAMA HERE!!! [full video]

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 09:00 PM PDT

Did you miss all of the DRAMA on 'Love & Hip Hop Atlanta' season 2 episode 10!?? Or was it SO JUICY, you just want to watch it again!!!? Well we have the FULL episode RIGHT HERE!!




So, Anybody SURPRISED by Nikko's actions? Didn't he look like an OPPORTUNIST from the GET GO?? And Mimi, and Stevie J did look like the couple off of a GHETTO WEDDING cake at the video release party. I mean BOTH were in WHITE and Stevie 'gifts' Mimi with a WHITE 'CARRIAGE'. I can agree with Nikko on that one. BUT STOP THE PRESSES, a 3-way with Karlie Redd and Mimi?? Karlie is about old enough to be THEIR mother!!!? Or at least their AUNTIE that still thinks she is HIP!? LOL. We all have one of those!

Lil' Scrappy Back in hot water again and who does he call to be at his side, NOT SHAY, but Erica!

Speaking of Shay, was she 'TWISTED' on that good good BROWN LIQUOR at Karlie Redd's salon opening? I mean, she was OUT OF CONTROL! Traci Steele is making her presence KNOWN... as a SHIT STARTER! LOL. She has been TRYING to get Erica and Shay to 'TALK' for sometime now.... We see that didn't work so well.... Speaking of Traci--she has a new BEAU,, but he may be just like Nikko...looking for the 'come-up'. Tread lightly Traci.. we know your track record ain't too good on these things...

S/o to mrworldpremiere.tv and ddotomen.com for the EXLCUSIVE!

#KellyRowland SHOOTS DOWN #Beyonce pregnancy rumors on #WendyWilliams! Performs Medley of hits! [video]

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 08:12 PM PDT

Did you MISS Kelly Rowland on 'The Wendy Williams Show' this morning?  On the show, Kelly DISHED about 'Talk A Good Game' which is in STORES RIGHT NOW!!

On the CHATFEST, Kelly GUSHED about the album, the pain behind 'Dirty Laundry' her X-factor gig and her 'crush' on Simon Cowell.  And in true Wendy fashion, she tried to ask about Beyonce being PREGNANT, but Kelly quickly SHUT THAT DOWN!

And of course while Kelly BLAZED the stage with a medley of 'Kisses Down Low', 'Motivation and 'Street Life'!!

Check it out exclusively from the homey, DaRealRastaBwoi

Kelly was ON POINT with that!!!


Tragic! Woman kills HUSBAND and herself while learning to park their SUV! [details]

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 07:19 PM PDT


Is there anything more TRAGIC than a 6 year being witness to both her parent's DEATH!!!  Case in point in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province . A woman was learning to park when she accidently killed her husband then herself as their 6-year old watched!!!

Get the FULL DETAILS after the JUMP!

A woman tragically killed her husband and herself while backing up her car in an underground parking garage in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province on June 18 as their 6-year-old daughter watched in horror from inside the car. Qianjiang Evening News reported 41-year-old driver surnamed Lin, who was issued a driver's license in May, was practicing backing up her Lexus RX270 SUV into a parking space as her husband directed from behind, when she backed up too far and pinned him against the wall.

According to the report, Lin stuck her head out the window upon hearing her husband's scream, and accelerated in an attempt to move forward. She however forgot to change gears from reverse to drive, which not only killed him instantly but caused her head to get stuck between the car and a wall along the parking space. Rescue team arrived soon after but Lin died from her sustained injuries in a nearby hospital, said the report. The couple's 6-year-old daughter saw the entire tragedy unfold from inside the car.
A source surnamed Yang said that Lin had successfully parked in the space once before that day, but her husband asked her to do it again because she needed the practice.



#LHHATL -#Rasheeda puts husband #KirkFrost on BLAST on #Facebook!! [details]

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 06:52 PM PDT

The fans are sure to have watched another EXPLOSIVE episode of 'Love & Hip Hop Atlanta'!!!

Well one PARTICULAR part that ws cause for FIREWORKS happened when Kirk pops up on Rasheeda's video shoot, threatning to take her name off of their BUSINESS ACCOUNT! Is that possible?  Didn't they BOTH amass those funds TOGETHER!?

At any rate, Rasheeda was UP TO HERE with Kirk, and just BLASTED about it on her Facebook page!
Check out what she wrote...AFTER THE JUMP!


#AlSharpton DEFENDS #PaulaDeen!!!?? [video]

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 12:54 PM PDT

Is Paula Deen being DEMONIZED unfairly or too harshly for words she used in the past?? Well she has quite a few people on her side, even the Rev. Al Sharpton!!!??
Check out what he had to say!!

BAM! Prosecutor opens #GeorgeZimmerman case up with a BANG!! Taped obscenities from Zimmerman! [video]

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 12:06 PM PDT

SANFORD, Fla. — A prosecutor told jurors in opening statements Monday that George Zimmerman fatally shot Trayvon Martin "because he wanted to," not because he had to, while the neighborhood watch volunteer's attorney said the deadly shooting of the teen was carried out in self-defense.

The opposing attorneys squared off on the first day of testimony in a trial that has attracted international attention and prompted nationwide debates about racial profiling, vigilantism and the laws governing the use of deadly force. Defense attorney Don West used a joke in his opening statements to illustrate the difficulty of picking a jury amid such widespread publicity. "'Knock. Knock,'" West said. "'Who is there?'" "'George Zimmerman.'" "'George Zimmerman who?'" "'Ah, good. You're on the jury.'"

 Included among the millions likely to be following the case are civil rights leaders the Revs. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, who joined national protests in the weeks before prosecutors filed second-degree murder charges against Zimmerman. The charges came 44 days after the shooting. Zimmerman, who identifies himself as Hispanic, has denied that his confrontation with Martin before the shooting had anything to do with race. His mother was born in Peru. His father is a white American. Martin was black. But just before opening statements began, Martin's parents sent out an urgent plea to their supporters to pray with them for justice, while their family attorney, Benjamin Crump, described the case as clear cut. "There are two important facts in this case: No. 1: George Zimmerman was a grown man with a gun, and No. 2: Trayvon Martin was a minor who had no blood on his hands. Literally no blood on his hands. ... We believe that the evidence is overwhelming to hold George Zimmerman accountable for killing Trayvon Martin." Prosecutor John Guy's first words to jurors recounted what Zimmerman told a police dispatcher in a call shortly before the fatal confrontation with Martin: "F------ punks. These a-------. They always get away." Zimmerman was profiling Martin as he followed him through the gated community where Zimmerman lived and Martin was visiting, Guy said. He said Zimmerman viewed the teen "as someone about to a commit a crime in his neighborhood." "And he acted on it. That's why we're here," the prosecutor said. Zimmerman didn't have to shoot Martin, Guy said. "He shot him for the worst of all reasons: because he wanted to," he said.


The Associated Press Get more HERE!


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