
Dumb Little Man: How to Cope With a Job Interview Rejection: Learning From Mistakes

Dumb Little Man: How to Cope With a Job Interview Rejection: Learning From Mistakes

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How to Cope With a Job Interview Rejection: Learning From Mistakes

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 08:26 AM PDT

Job hunting can be a grueling and demoralizing experience. The troubled job market worldwide has created an overabundance of qualified candidates, many competing for the same job. Hunting for a job not only means having the right qualifications, developing a sterling resume, a killer influence letter, and razor-sharp interview skills, but also having to outdo the other candidates — many of whom may be more qualified on paper than you.

Unfortunately, even after all that, rejection is possible, even likely. Rejection can be tough to deal with, especially when a job you really want (or need) is on the line. So how can you deal with that rejection and turn it into something positive?
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