
Dumb Little Man: 5 Tips to Make Friends as an Adult (by Acting Like a 5 Year Old)

Dumb Little Man: 5 Tips to Make Friends as an Adult (by Acting Like a 5 Year Old)

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5 Tips to Make Friends as an Adult (by Acting Like a 5 Year Old)

Posted: 18 Jun 2013 08:03 AM PDT

Can you really make new friends as an adult? I mean, there's plenty advice out there on how to help kids make friends. But if you don't have friends by the time you're an adult, it seems the world hands you a dunce cap and shows you to the corner.

After all, many adults have all the friends they need or want, right? People get married, have kids and have little time for others outside their family.  Doesn't that make it harder to meet new people after a certain age?

Well, yes and no. Depending on your geographic location, yes, many people "settle down" after a certain age. But not everyone. And while it may take a little more time to "warm up" a new friend as an adult, it can certainly be done.
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