
Dumb Little Man: Eating Healthy: When you absolutely must eat fast food are there any healthy options?

Dumb Little Man: Eating Healthy: When you absolutely must eat fast food are there any healthy options?

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Eating Healthy: When you absolutely must eat fast food are there any healthy options?

Posted: 07 Jun 2013 11:19 AM PDT

Summer is the time for traveling and enjoying the great outdoors. That means you're probably spending more time outside, but it also means you're likely to be eating on the run.

Many of us find it fairly easy to eat healthy when we're at home and can cook, but what about when you're traveling by plane or car and all you can find is one fast food restaurant after another? Most of us would like to make it home from vacation without gaining ten pounds or having to go on high blood pressure meds!

While fast food joints make most of their money off the items highest in calories, fat and sodium, there are healthier choices available if you just look for them. Here are some of the least lethal menu items from major chains. Alas, the healthiest item at any restaurant is never going to be the double cheeseburger with large fries!
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