
Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “Set And Reach Your Goals With This Practical Guide To Forming A Habit” plus 1 more

Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “Set And Reach Your Goals With This Practical Guide To Forming A Habit” plus 1 more

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Set And Reach Your Goals With This Practical Guide To Forming A Habit

Posted: 09 Jun 2013 06:47 AM PDT

 "To have striven, to have made the effort, to have been true to certain ideals–this alone is worth the struggle." –William Penn

Writing is a huge part of my life.

Whether it's writing life advice like I am now or copywriting to help a business' product appeal more to potential customers you can see me writing away.

You know what though? Writing is something that you have to do A LOT if you want to become better. That is true for most things.

That is exactly why I wanted to make it a point to write on a daily basis. Writing in a journal, Microsoft Word, or anything to get my writing muscle pumping was important to me and I knew it was a habit that would be incredibly beneficial to me.

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Find Happiness with 5 Sure Fire Ways to Find Out Whether You're Truly Happy in Life

Posted: 08 Jun 2013 09:16 AM PDT

Some people aren't really sure if they are happy.

They feel like they're drifting through life, trapped in a sea of indifference. "Life's okay I guess," they might say, attempting to reason out their circumstances. But deep inside, they don't really know if they're happy at all.

Maybe they feel like they shouldn't be complaining; they've got a big house, a nice family, a good paying job, basically all of the things that should make them happy.

Perhaps they believe that happiness is nothing more than having financial stability and a full stomach.

Maybe they've forgotten what it is to even be happy, and unknowingly assume that being indifferent is the same thing as being happy.

These people are at risk of living an unsatisfying, passionless life, and they might not even realize it.
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