
Dumb Little Man: Tips For Success: This Is Not Another Article About Failure

Dumb Little Man: Tips For Success: This Is Not Another Article About Failure

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Tips For Success: This Is Not Another Article About Failure

Posted: 05 Jun 2013 07:55 PM PDT

Your fear of failure might just be the thing that's stopping you from succeeding spectacularly and the thing that...stops you...from...doing the...yada, yada, yada...

Honestly, I couldn't go through with it. I don't think I can read another article about how important failure is. Let alone write one.

The necessity of failure to an endeavor is widely appreciated, but there's something else out there that's spoken about in hushed tones in dark alleyways. It can equal fear of failure when it comes to blocking what you want, but it's something a little more subtle, a little more nuanced, a little more insidious.

It's the Fear of Success.

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