
Dumb Little Man: Self Help: Why Bother? Nothing Changes. I’m Stuck. How to get Unstuck and get Moving Again

Dumb Little Man: Self Help: Why Bother? Nothing Changes. I’m Stuck. How to get Unstuck and get Moving Again

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Self Help: Why Bother? Nothing Changes. I’m Stuck. How to get Unstuck and get Moving Again

Posted: 12 Jun 2013 07:11 AM PDT

The repetitive buzzing rattled my brain and startled my body.

No – I don't want to get out of bed! It's too early, too cold and it's too much effort to get up…

I can't be arsed to go to boot-camp!

This is the conversation I had with myself this morning as my alarm went off at 6.15 a.m. Every Monday and Friday I have signed up to go to an exercise boot-camp on my local beach. I've been going for a few weeks and now it's getting harder to get up on boot-camp mornings, simply because I know what is coming and it's going to hurt!

I have been wrestling with my resistance and apathy, and for a moment I got stuck.

This stuckness can happen just as easily with my writing. My inspiration and creativity just dry up, when I focus on worrying about delivering to other people and trying to be perfect. Also if I spend too much time on it and get too physically sedate, because there is not enough variety or physical action to balance out having my head in my laptop.
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