
Dumb Little Man: Ask Yourself These Seven Empowering Questions to Help You Break Through Resentment and Get On with Your Life

Dumb Little Man: Ask Yourself These Seven Empowering Questions to Help You Break Through Resentment and Get On with Your Life

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Ask Yourself These Seven Empowering Questions to Help You Break Through Resentment and Get On with Your Life

Posted: 17 Jun 2013 08:15 AM PDT

Are you holding onto resentment that you just can't shake?

Sometimes it's on the surface; other times it's buried deep. But you can always feel it, gnawing away at you.

Resentment can stem from something another person said or did. Or from a life situation that's outside your control. But whatever the source, the resulting sense of unease can fester for months or even years.

And however hard you try to ignore or just let go of resentment, it stubbornly imprisons you in its grip, triggering all sorts of uncomfortable emotions at unexpected times.

Any number of things can spark resentful feelings, just a few examples being…
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