
Dumb Little Man: Advice For Healthy Living: Get Off Your Duff

Dumb Little Man: Advice For Healthy Living: Get Off Your Duff

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Advice For Healthy Living: Get Off Your Duff

Posted: 06 Jun 2013 02:11 PM PDT

We are sitting ourselves to death. No, really, we are. We're averaging 9.3 hours a day sitting compared to 7.7 hours a day sleeping. Do the math – car to work to car to home to TV – that's at least 9.3 hours, right? It's not any better for our kids, either. We've embraced technologies and lifestyles that encourage sitting and our bodies are suffering for it.

The New York Times reported on a study from the journal Circulation, which found that for each additional hour of television a person sat and watched per day, their risk of dying rose by 11%. According to the Harvard Business Review article, Sitting is the Smoking of Our Generation, "After 1 hour of sitting, the production of enzymes that burn fat declines by as much as 90%. Extended sitting slows the body's metabolism affecting things like (good cholesterol) HDL levels in our bodies."
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