
Dumb Little Man: Relationship Advice: 7 Unexpected Ways To Make Love Last

Dumb Little Man: Relationship Advice: 7 Unexpected Ways To Make Love Last

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Relationship Advice: 7 Unexpected Ways To Make Love Last

Posted: 01 Jun 2013 09:00 AM PDT

If you've got the basics covered - like being faithful, remembering to talk to each other and having great sex – you might be wondering what else you can do to make it through the years. Here are seven lesser known ways to keep the spark alive that have worked for me and my husband for over twenty years.

1. Have Secrets

Everyone will tell you that good communication is vital in keeping love alive, and it is. But it's also essential to keep some things to yourself. If you suddenly develop a crush for the intern in Accounts, don't do anything about it, and also don't tell your other half that you were tempted.  What's more, your partner does not need to know how much you spent on those shoes or that gadget you craved, if you have your own bank account. You'll both be happier, if you forget to mention it.

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