
Dumb Little Man: Reduce Stress and Anxiety: 5 Effective Ways to Deal with Stress and Anxiety at Work

Dumb Little Man: Reduce Stress and Anxiety: 5 Effective Ways to Deal with Stress and Anxiety at Work

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Reduce Stress and Anxiety: 5 Effective Ways to Deal with Stress and Anxiety at Work

Posted: 02 Jun 2013 08:16 AM PDT

Is fear leading you down a one-way street to joblessness?

This question might sound extreme but I lost a number of jobs due to excessive anxiety which paralysed my productivity and creativity.

Nearly everyone suffers from some form of stress at work but when it becomes so acute that your whole career belly flops into oblivion, then it's time to address some of the underlying causes.

I want to share 5 little philosophies I adapted into my working life which allowed me to not only keep a job but to flourish in my new career, as well as reduce my overall anxiety levels.
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