
THE GAMUTT: Entertainment /Lifestyle Blog

THE GAMUTT: Entertainment /Lifestyle Blog

#RocsiDiaz ADDRESSES the haters about her ALLEGED #ET FIRING!! [details]

Posted: 17 Sep 2014 06:52 PM PDT

We reported that RUMORS had been swirling that Rocsi Diaz had gotten the BOOT from 'Entertainment Tonight' in favor of Nischelle Turner.  But Diaz quickly silenced those rumors with one post to Instagram:

She posted the above picture of herself with hosts Nancy O'Dell and Kevin Frazier, as well as fellow correspondent Brooke Anderson on Instagram as the rumors circulated.

 She captioned it "Tonight we talk Beyonce Joan Rivers and more @etonline"

ET posted the same photo on their Twitter page (which Diaz retweeted on the social network) and captioned it "A break between takes to tweet hello from @NancyOdell @KevinFrazier @rocsidiaz &  @BrookeAnderson #ETnow"

SO FOR NOW, CHANTAY you STAY!  Turner is still joining the panel as reports are saying, so we'll see if they keep them BOTH or not in the coming weeks.

#DWTS 19 Week 1: #AlfonsoRibeiro DANCED his ASS OFF with the JIVE! [video]

Posted: 17 Sep 2014 06:20 PM PDT

Alfonso Ribeiro may have a slight little EDGE on some of the other dancers.  Ribeiro, affectionately known as 'Carlton' from 'The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air' has some background in DANCE.  He did not do his signature 'Cartlon' dance, but WEEK 1 of 'Dancing with the Stars' GOT OFF to a GREAT START with his ENERGETIC jive with partner Witney.  Check out Alfonso's CONFIDENCE, SKILL and SWAG as he sets the DWTS stage on FIRE!!!!!

As BEAUTIFUL and SKILLED as Witney is, it was almost difficult to tell who the PROFESSIONAL was and who was the 'amatuer'??  Ribeiro is SURE to be ONE to WATCH in this year's COMPETITION!!!

WAY to GO Alfonso and Witney!!!


Did #Beyonce PHOTO SHOP her THIGHS AGAIN!? Peep the PICS!

Posted: 17 Sep 2014 10:45 AM PDT

Beyonce pregnancy rumors are beginning to circulate, now today it seems as if King Bey is being talked about again.  TODAY'S TOPIC: Did Bey PHOTOSHOP a pic to appears THINNER in the THIGH REGION!?  You may remember that this is not the 1st time that her 'THIGH GAP' had come into QUESTION.  Check this photo and tell me what you SEE.

Now me personally, I don't see anything OBVIOUSLY wrong with this pic, but sources want you to focus on that 1st STEP under her CROTCH.  People are saying that it's TILTED a bit which is a tell-tale sign that a photo has been STRETCHED or MANIPULATED for those familiar with PHOTOSHOP.  I think it's just a crazy angle of the pic, but some are saying OTHERWISE.

Remember earlier this summer Bey was accused of 'THIGH GAP-GATE' with this pic:

Now in this pic her legs DO look all kinds of CRAZY here!  But the TOP photo looks authentic--TO ME... IDK.

But one thing is OBVIOUS here, IF BEYONCE is indeed PREGNANT with baby number two, she must be just WEEKS into it, because her BODY is BANGING in a TWO-PIECE!


WAKE UP JAM: #Rihanna 'We Found Love' [video]

Posted: 17 Sep 2014 03:00 AM PDT


Get up and get ready for the day!  Look in the mirror and LOVE yourself!  If nobody else does, you know YOU SHOULD!  Let's go back just a TAD with Rihanna's 'We Found Love'!  This is just what you need to help you face the DAY!!!

Love is all around US!!!


#AugustAlsina suffered SEVERAL SEIZURES after his NYC COLLAPSE on stage! [details]

Posted: 16 Sep 2014 11:27 PM PDT

R&B Crooner August Alsina is on the MEND right now after collapsing onstage Monday night in NYC!  Sources say that the young singer had suffered 'multiple seizures' after his fall from the stage while performing.

A rep for August says doctors did not find any drugs other than marijuana in his system . At this point they believe the fainting was brought on by exhaustion and dehydration.

SO the WEED had nothing to do with it? Hmmmm..... OKAY if you say so. Fans can relax, August is relaxing and recuperating at present.
