
Dumb Little Man: 7 Proven Ways to Boost Your Morning Productivity

Dumb Little Man: 7 Proven Ways to Boost Your Morning Productivity

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7 Proven Ways to Boost Your Morning Productivity

Posted: 08 Sep 2014 05:43 AM PDT

cold_showerIt's ok to be a night owl. There's nothing wrong with that. But at some point in your life, you might want to change your habits. It might be that you're starting a new job where you have to wake up earlier than you're used to. Or maybe you're starting your own business. To see if your idea can take off, you want to get a couple of hours of work done early in the morning before you go to your day job. Many successful people attribute their success to some extent to having productive mornings. And even if it doesn't seem like it now, you can maximize your output during the first two or three hours of your day with just a few tweaks. […]

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