
Dumb Little Man: How to Let Go of Little Things

Dumb Little Man: How to Let Go of Little Things

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How to Let Go of Little Things

Posted: 11 Sep 2014 05:55 AM PDT

o-WHY-YOURE-ANGRY-DEALING-WITH-ANGER-facebookAh, the little things. Your husband loses his keys for the 37th time. A driver cuts you off. A nasty neighbor complains about your disruptive children. A restaurant serves you the wrong entree. And it's cold. Things happen. Things that make us angry, upset and annoyed. Things we wish we could shake but can't because it's our nature to hang onto them. So we stew on them. We argue, complain, mope or yell. Some of us toss and turn in our beds at night because, in spite of our efforts, we cannot let them go. Our reactions to the things that happen to us are programmed, from the way we snap at our spouse when we are running late to a party, to the way […]

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