
Dumb Little Man: Success Comes To Those Who Have No Need For It

Dumb Little Man: Success Comes To Those Who Have No Need For It

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Success Comes To Those Who Have No Need For It

Posted: 19 Sep 2014 05:34 AM PDT

o-HAPPY-WOMAN-facebookThe idea of hard work leading to success has been a universal and sacred tenet for centuries. But is it true? Does hard work truly lead to success? Is every hard working person that you know a success? Or is their life full of disappointments and anguish? As is always the case, this advice is a reactionary response to laziness. Those who lack drive and motivation are told that they need to work hard in order to become a success. However, the idea of hard work has led to just as much frustration as has the failure to reach one's goals. And there are good reasons for this. Since childhood, whatever activity we have been involved in, we have been told to do it HARD. […]

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