
Dumb Little Man: 5 Steps for Sharpening Your Mind for Success

Dumb Little Man: 5 Steps for Sharpening Your Mind for Success

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5 Steps for Sharpening Your Mind for Success

Posted: 25 Sep 2014 05:50 AM PDT

A-Successful-PersonYour success is not in your hands. It's in your mind. I saw you snicker and that's not some psycho mumbo jumbo. When you make up your mind to be a success, your mind leads your actions. Those actions lead you to success because you become what you think about most. You know it's true. Remember the gorgeous blonde you saw in the bar and you fell all over yourself trying to pick her up? It didn't work. Because you had in your mind that she was out of your league, but you tried anyway. She thought it was hilarious that you couldn't talk like a grown man, but she wasn't going out of there with someone who wasn't ready for her level of class. […]

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