
Dumb Little Man: 5 Ways To Add Spark to Your Cup of Coffee (and Life)

Dumb Little Man: 5 Ways To Add Spark to Your Cup of Coffee (and Life)

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5 Ways To Add Spark to Your Cup of Coffee (and Life)

Posted: 22 Sep 2014 06:47 AM PDT

girl-coffeeIs your coffee just something you grab as a take-out from the faceless coffee shop on your way to the office? Or is it worse, some grey watery liquid dispensed from a machine. Could you be getting more from your coffee and indeed life? 1. Pause just a moment and do it well. If you’ve ever been to Paris, amid the rush and packed metros, you may have seen that the French have a great way to enjoy coffee. They don’t do the take-out but they don’t sit down either. It’s au comptoir and it saves a few cents as well. A big advantage of standing at the bar is that the coffee is drunk from a nice little china cup – it’ll be an […]

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