
Dumb Little Man: How to Know If Something’s Right For You

Dumb Little Man: How to Know If Something’s Right For You

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How to Know If Something’s Right For You

Posted: 10 Sep 2014 05:51 AM PDT

Cute young thoughtful business woman looking awayOne of the most important factors in deciding whether or not something's right for you is authenticity. Authenticity is defined as "the genuineness or truth of something". It is a preservative force and is necessary for sustained success in whatever you're trying to do. Just because a business idea or particular life change worked for your best friend doesn't necessarily mean it is something that it's right for you. So before venturing into a project or goal of any kind, vet it for authenticity, in other words, ask yourself of this "thing" the following series of questions to help determine, "Is this right for me?" 1. Why do I want to do this thing in the first place? – If the answer is a selfish […]

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