
Dumb Little Man: 25 Guiding Questions to Identify and Manage Anxiety While Recovering

Dumb Little Man: 25 Guiding Questions to Identify and Manage Anxiety While Recovering

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25 Guiding Questions to Identify and Manage Anxiety While Recovering

Posted: 18 Sep 2014 05:12 AM PDT

people-_30You can’t enter a battlefield armed with only an arsenal of interrogative statements. However, acquiring a database of questions can definitely tame a few pesky weeds. For example, I might worry intensely every day. But maybe I can search inside myself to transfigure at least a good chunk of those worrisome thoughts into a mindset focused on recovery. Questions are a great medium to begin identifying and treating anxiety-related thoughts. Even then, your mind might still feel like a ship with holes in its rudder, and when water floods inside, you’re overwhelmed with nerves. I myself knew that I was too stuck on small matters, so I remedied sessions and readings to help me. I’ve learned from those experiences that some questions are worth asking […]

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