
Dumb Little Man: How to Meditate When All The Other Techniques Don’t Work

Dumb Little Man: How to Meditate When All The Other Techniques Don’t Work

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How to Meditate When All The Other Techniques Don’t Work

Posted: 02 Sep 2014 04:40 AM PDT

benefits-of-meditationI suffered from GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) for more than 7 years, and the worst part is that I’ve found out about it in the last year. I’ve spent days and weeks of constant worrying and over thinking without realizing that I am "digging my own grave". I spent my nights reading articles to help me win at anxiety, and I spent my days trying to implement the advice I found. And you probably already know that in almost every article about mental disorders, meditation is a must-do. And it's true. But in the beginning, it was so damn hard for me to meditate. I tried every possible technique that Google “knows”, but nothing helped. From counting breaths, to mantras and dancing meditation, but none […]

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