
Dumb Little Man: How to Keep Long-term Focus When You’re Putting Out Fires

Dumb Little Man: How to Keep Long-term Focus When You’re Putting Out Fires

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How to Keep Long-term Focus When You’re Putting Out Fires

Posted: 05 Sep 2014 05:15 AM PDT

shutterstock_132012515Life moves forward, whether you're on board with the direction or not. If you're like me, your 20's was predicated by a lot of fun, a lot of procrastinated growing up and living paycheck to paycheck. When I was 28, I opted for the "lighting round" and met and married my wife within 6 months (which was all well and good), but then had a kid on the way 6 months after that. And let's not forget I was also starting a business. If you focus solely on the present, your future will suck, hard. And when you're a parent, it starts to weigh on you that you'll be the asshole that sent future generations ghost-riding off a proverbial cliff. But, if you focus only […]

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