
Dumb Little Man: Legal Advice: Just Got Sued? Here’s What To Do Next

Dumb Little Man: Legal Advice: Just Got Sued? Here’s What To Do Next

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Legal Advice: Just Got Sued? Here’s What To Do Next

Posted: 05 Dec 2013 07:28 AM PST

"You've been served."

Those three words -- indicating you've been served with a lawsuit -- will send a chill down the spine of just about anybody.

Getting served with a lawsuit can be unnerving and confusing. If you haven't been sued before, you will probably have a lot of questions.

The truth is, once you get advice and understand the basic steps and phases of a lawsuit, the actual process of being involved in litigation is very manageable, just like any other challenge in business.

The most important thing to do is to act quickly to get your affairs in order.  To help you make some sense out of what happens if you do get served as a party to a lawsuit, here are the specific steps you should take immediately after getting sued.
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