
Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “Want to Be Happy With the Money You Have? 5 Ways to Get More Enjoyment Out of Your Money” plus 1 more

Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “Want to Be Happy With the Money You Have? 5 Ways to Get More Enjoyment Out of Your Money” plus 1 more

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Want to Be Happy With the Money You Have? 5 Ways to Get More Enjoyment Out of Your Money

Posted: 13 Dec 2013 01:48 PM PST

Rather than wishing you had more money, wouldn't it be cool if you could get more enjoyment out of the money you do have in your bank account?

While having more money is not a bad thing (most of the time), if you're able to enjoy what you're bringing in, you're not going to be sad that you're not making a million dollars.

As long as you have a roof over your head and food on your plate, you're doing better than a lot of other people in the world.

Just remember what one famous rapper once said - Mo' Money, Mo' Problems! This may be hard to understand for some people, but if you think about it the statement makes sense. When you have more money, you usually have more responsibilities and pressures on you in your life. This is why it's a better idea to learn to enjoy the money you do have rather than trying to make more money all the time.
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12 Toys to Avoid This Christmas

Posted: 13 Dec 2013 07:53 AM PST

One of the most beloved holiday movies of the last few decades is "A Christmas Story," the tale of a little boy who dreams of finding a toy gun under the tree but is constantly being told that he'll shoot his eye out.

Alas, toy guns aren't the only dangerous playthings being marketed to kids these days.

Some toys are dangerous to children's health and safety, while others encourage values that parents may not want to reinforce.

Here our dirty dozen toys, the ones responsible parents won't be buying this Christmas.
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