
Dumb Little Man: The Godfather Guide To A Good And Happy Life

Dumb Little Man: The Godfather Guide To A Good And Happy Life

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The Godfather Guide To A Good And Happy Life

Posted: 10 Dec 2013 07:44 AM PST

Do you ever feel that you have so many 'life rules' thrown at you that you can't even remember them, let alone make sense of them?

You're not alone in feeling like that.

The 'rules of life' that have stuck most easily with me have come from movies – perhaps because they're not only visual, they're visceral.

There is a scene in The Last Samurai where Katsumoto and Algren are about to advance to almost certain death and Katsumoto says: "Do you believe a man can change his destiny?' Algren answers: 'I believe a man does what he can until his destiny is revealed to him.' There's Buddha right there, a philosophy of life you can live by.

Perhaps one of the greatest movies that provides some of the greatest rules for living well is The Godfather. Michael Corleone lived a Shakespearian tragedy. But if he had taken his own good advice and that of his family it might all have been so different:

Here are 9 Corleone rules you could build a good and happy life on:
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