
Dumb Little Man: 5 Weight Loss Mistakes Women Should Stop Making

Dumb Little Man: 5 Weight Loss Mistakes Women Should Stop Making

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5 Weight Loss Mistakes Women Should Stop Making

Posted: 26 Dec 2013 06:54 AM PST

I lift weights. I do some sort of cardio. I also do high intensity exercises. And I'm a woman.

And as much as I'm a fan of strength training, eating well and doing things in life that makes me happy, it makes me sad to see every day in my career that us women almost always do the wrong things when trying to lose weight.

Although it does make me sad, it's not anyone's fault because there are just loads of information out there that portrays women and fitness negatively.

Pick up a fitness magazine and every month you're promised super toned abs for doing 15 minutes of crunches and sit ups. Ask someone what is the best way to tone our arms, butt and thighs and you will get different answers. And yet you never see results.
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