
Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “How to Maintain Independence in a Long-Term Relationship” plus 1 more

Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “How to Maintain Independence in a Long-Term Relationship” plus 1 more

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How to Maintain Independence in a Long-Term Relationship

Posted: 16 Dec 2013 07:31 AM PST

When you're in a long term relationship, it's all too easy to lose yourself. This is particularly true if you live with your partner and, before long, that line where you start and they begin can become very blurry indeed.

But why does that matter? Surely, if you're in a loving relationship, you're supposed to become dependent.  That just shows how strong you are as a couple and that you've become an indomitable unit ready to face the world. However, all too often, this means that you lose something of yourself, of the person you were before. Whether that's a hobby you used to be dedicated to or just the simple pleasure of solitude, in order for a relationship to be sustainable, both parties need to be at peace in their own company.
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How a Light Switch, and other Household Items, Can Help You Lose Weight

Posted: 16 Dec 2013 06:41 AM PST

When I was 19, I could eat whatever I wanted and not worry about the intake of calories.

Fast-forward a couple decades and those "glory days" are long over.

However, losing weight isn't as difficult as it may seem.

Even common household items you have in your house right now can help you burn calories and lose weight without ever hearing the dreaded word "diet".

Below are a few of my favorite household items that can help you consume less calories.
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