
Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “The Essence of Change” plus 1 more

Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “The Essence of Change” plus 1 more

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The Essence of Change

Posted: 27 Dec 2013 02:52 PM PST

It's New Year Resolution time! We all know what this means, the gym will be more crowded, the health and wellness industry will see a massive spike in sales, and tobacco products may see a sudden decrease in profits.  The office will be a buzz with people starting off the New Year right as they start to implement their changes for 2014.  And by mid February, what happens?  People start sliding back into their old ways, their goals and resolutions slowly drifting back into the shadows as if they never existed.  Why? 

As a psychotherapist, I sell change.  I help people make the transitions they want to see in their life and this isn't a process I only see around the New Year.  I'm lucky enough to bare witness to this process year round.  I see many successes and failures along the way and I would say I've gained some insight into what creates "wins" and "losses" in the change department.  
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The 4 Common Habits of World Changers

Posted: 27 Dec 2013 07:32 AM PST

There is one thing that intrigues me and it's seeing some individuals completely transforming the face of this earth while others are just getting by and being satisfied with that. This has always been an intriguing mystery to me, I have always been curious and wondered just how some people are so different and unique while others are just average and common. What separates these two groups? They are both humans, both with the same number of hours per day and both with the mental capacity to think, but somehow others step up to the plate while the rest takes pride in eating the crumbs on the floor.

My question has always been, what is the difference here? What sets these guys apart? Since that question entered my mind I have never been completely free, it has disturbed my mind and kicked me out of my comfort zone because now I realize there is a big puzzle that I am a piece of and unless I choose to find that specific space to fill, the puzzle will never be complete.
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