
Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “16 Habits That Are Killing Your Productivity and How to Fix Them” plus 1 more

Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “16 Habits That Are Killing Your Productivity and How to Fix Them” plus 1 more

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16 Habits That Are Killing Your Productivity and How to Fix Them

Posted: 20 Dec 2013 11:48 AM PST

We've never had more tools at our disposal to work more efficiently, and yet we've never been more distracted.

We spend most days trapped in our inboxes and shuffling around our calendars, only to be left wondering where the day went.

We overschedule, overload, and overstimulate ourselves so much that it leaves us very little time or mental energy to get real work done.

But what if you could clear your schedule, take fewer meetings, and say "no" more often? You might actually accomplish something. By eliminating these common habits from your daily routine, you'll feel happier, less stressed, and more productive.
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3 Steps To Easily Organize A Productive Week (And Avoid Holiday-time Overwhelm)

Posted: 20 Dec 2013 08:23 AM PST

In those insanely busy, hectic times, don't you wish you had something like a simple 3-step process to organize an effective and productive week?

It is clear that when things are planned and organized, you can manage to do much more!

If you find it hard to fine-tune your time management skills, or if you have times when you feel overwhelmed by everything you have to do, then this is for you!

Everyone suffers from the same chronic problems - stress, tension, haste, lack of patience, etc.

This is not just about your life at work – today, people want to shine in every aspect of their life, and they strive to keep up with all their many responsibilities and roles.  

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