
Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “Should I Buy A House Now or Wait?” plus 1 more

Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “Should I Buy A House Now or Wait?” plus 1 more

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Should I Buy A House Now or Wait?

Posted: 11 Dec 2013 07:24 AM PST

Buying a house can be a dream come true or your worst nightmare.

There are many factors to consider before you decide you are ready for homeownership.

Aside from financial considerations, such as mortgage payments, property taxes, insurance, maintenance and increased utility costs, you should decide if you intend to remain in the same home for three or more years and if you are ready to deal with all the responsibilities homeownership entails.

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10 Great Ways to Share with Others Over the Holidays

Posted: 11 Dec 2013 07:08 AM PST

This is supposed to be the season of giving, but for too many of us, it's just the time for eating too much, running up huge bills and general conspicuous consumption.

This year, why not do something that could really make a change in the lives of others?

Teaching your children about helping those less fortunate can set an example they'll follow all their lives.

Here are a few ways you can bring joy to the world this holiday.

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