
Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “Is My Personal Data Safe From Identity Thieves?” plus 1 more

Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “Is My Personal Data Safe From Identity Thieves?” plus 1 more

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Is My Personal Data Safe From Identity Thieves?

Posted: 09 Dec 2013 09:22 AM PST

In order to learn how to prevent identity theft, it is important to first understand exactly "what is identity theft?"

Identity theft occurs when an individual assumes the identity of another individual by using their personal information, such as social security numbers or credit card numbers.

The main purpose of identity theft is usually for financial gain, but in addition to the victim's finances being affected, there can be even more damaging consequences that may have negative repercussions for several years.

An identity thief that uses your stolen identity for other illegal purposes can wreak havoc on your finances, your credit and your personal life, as you might soon find yourself in trouble for crimes you didn't commit!
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12 Things Not to Do at the Office Christmas Party

Posted: 09 Dec 2013 07:00 AM PST

One of the most hazardous driving days of the year is the Friday before Christmas, because that's when many companies take part in that yearly tradition known as the Office Christmas Party.

While this should be an occasion for enjoying the company of your co-workers, too often the office party turns into an embarrassment that haunts some employees well into the next year.

Here are some common gaffes to avoid.

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