
Dumb Little Man: 10 Small Steps to Achieve Your Goals faster and Have Way More Fun Than The Neighbors

Dumb Little Man: 10 Small Steps to Achieve Your Goals faster and Have Way More Fun Than The Neighbors

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10 Small Steps to Achieve Your Goals faster and Have Way More Fun Than The Neighbors

Posted: 06 Aug 2014 05:12 AM PDT

200522660-001  1. Spend time around positive people This. Is. Key. I mean for real. I want you to test this out – Here's how: Begin to notice how you feel when you are around different types of people, negative people will make you feel heavy and tired, oh and then you will begin to say negatives things they are saying too. Positive people who support your goals and ideas, who are cheerful and carefree will give you energy, make you feel good and more determined to live a better life. You have fun with these people and they don't take things too seriously. 2. Have great goals to work towards Write your goals down. The best way to do this is project yourself into the […]

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