
Dumb Little Man: 4 Steps to decluttering your mind and think more clearly

Dumb Little Man: 4 Steps to decluttering your mind and think more clearly

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4 Steps to decluttering your mind and think more clearly

Posted: 29 Aug 2014 05:21 AM PDT

girls-teen-hot-pink-room1-e1357938760389I started decluttering my home about a year ago. Six months in I found out that I was not alone, but there was a whole movement and mindset to it. Today I am calling myself a happy minimalist. My cellar is empty, my drawers are organized and cleaning is easy. My apartment seems bigger, yet cozy and very calm. I wish my mind would look the same. Reducing my stuff did save me a little bit of stress. I no longer worry about what I need and spend very little time searching for things, but those were only minor changes. If my head were a house, neighbors would gossip about the dodgy compulsive hoarder who lives inside and never greets anybody. My brain was full […]

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