
Dumb Little Man: 7 Little Known Ways In Which Poor Sleep Is Killing You And Your Career

Dumb Little Man: 7 Little Known Ways In Which Poor Sleep Is Killing You And Your Career

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7 Little Known Ways In Which Poor Sleep Is Killing You And Your Career

Posted: 28 Aug 2014 05:14 AM PDT

sleeping-1-b9f44ea3282e1696ad95fbb59a21053be28cbb56-s6-c30Tired huh? Or more like exhausted? Fact: The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that 30 percent, or 40.6 million, of American adults are sleeping six hours or less everyday. Chances are you're in that statistic. In today's information age sleep deprivation is an epidemic. Screens bombard you all day. Computer screens at work and home, screens in building foyers, bus stands, and of course the one that sits cozily in your pocket. Oh, and that cute little smartphone often accompanies you to bed! You furiously work late into the night, trying to get that extra little bit done. Sometimes, it's that addictive ping from the smartphone alerting you to yet another email. At other times, it's a document you've got to finish […]

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