
Dumb Little Man: 4 Ways To Spend Time With Yourself And Get Away From The World

Dumb Little Man: 4 Ways To Spend Time With Yourself And Get Away From The World

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4 Ways To Spend Time With Yourself And Get Away From The World

Posted: 18 Aug 2014 05:17 AM PDT

tropical_vacation_getaway_oceanTo begin with, there are only 4 points. People tend to read articles with many points so that they can continuously discover what’s wrong with them and change it ASAP. Those sessions ultimately waste the rest of the day, and pretty much the next few too. So here are 4 basic and simple ‘must adopt’ points that will help you feel more cozy around yourself. 1. Write a journal. Why? Because you can write your heart out and no one gets to know how you are feeling. Cry, laugh, move back in time, or forward, ponder over a thought or a feeling. Write it out! You could use free apps such as ‘Day one’ (App Store) and ‘Day Journal’ (Google Play) that are fast, easy […]

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