
Dumb Little Man: Lessons From The Checkout Line

Dumb Little Man: Lessons From The Checkout Line

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Lessons From The Checkout Line

Posted: 12 Aug 2014 05:05 AM PDT

grocerygirl_wide-0acc5356c16636f6aa0c42016632ee61d4b11765-s6-c30Contrary to popular stereotypes, as a man there are a few chores I really enjoy. It's probably due to my mother making it a point to have us all up on Saturday morning with music blasting, food cooking and cleaning the house from top to bottom. As an adult however, one thing I never perfected was the skill for cooking. This works out perfectly for my wife and me. We split household chores so she is dong the cooking and I get to handle the bulk of the cleaning and laundry. Things get a little awkward when I end up with the task of grocery shopping. I will give you a hint; that's definitely not one of my favorites. The other day my wife asked […]

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