
THE GAMUTT: Entertainment /Lifestyle Blog

THE GAMUTT: Entertainment /Lifestyle Blog

Screen Legend, #LaurenBacall has DIED at 89! [details]

Posted: 12 Aug 2014 05:38 PM PDT

Hollywood has lost another GREAT visionary today!  Screen legend, Lauren Bacall has passed away at the age of 89.

Lauren Bacall, the sultry blonde siren who became an overnight star via a memorable film debut at age 19 opposite Humphrey Bogart in Howard Hawks' "To Have and Have Not," died Tuesday at her home of a suspected stroke. She was 89.

Bacall starred with and married Humphrey Bogart in 1945. The couple appeared together in the movie "Key Largo" in 1948.
Bacall and Bogart remained together until his death in 1957. She later married Jason Robards in 1961 but they divorced in 1969.

The Humphrey Bogart estate tweeted:

With deep sorrow, yet with great gratitude for her amazing life, we confirm the passing of Lauren Bacall.

She is survived by three children: two by Bogart, Stephen and Leslie and her son by Robards, actor Sam Robards.


Is there a #Beyonce #Rihanna REMIX COLLAB in the works? [details]

Posted: 12 Aug 2014 04:09 PM PDT

What if two of the BIGGEST NAMES in POP MUSIC collaborated on one song??? That's right Beyonce and Rihanna?? Rumors are starting to swirl that KING BEY is on her REMIX KICK since the releaase of 'Flawless' with Nicki Minaj that she may enlist Ms. Fenty  on another song!  Let's jump into this RUMOR and why it may be TRUER than we THINK!


Word from the CURB is that a 'Blow' remix with Rihanna may be in the works!!

There's a screenshot floating around the Internet that suggests a "Blow" (remix?) has been registered in the ASCAP database with both Beyoncé and Rihanna listed as performers.

Is this a CRUEL JOKE, or REAL.  Check the spelling of Rihanna's name.  This could be FAKE, but what if it's NOT??  Hmmm?

We'll keep our eyes on this one.  WOULDN'T THAT BE EPIC!!??


WHAT HAPPENED? Did #Drake CLOWN #ChrisBrown at a recent tour stop!? [video]

Posted: 12 Aug 2014 03:13 PM PDT

What happened?  I thought Drake and Chris Brown had BURIED their beef?  Could there still be TROUBLE between the two.  In a recent CONCERT APPEARANCE, it appears that Drake threw just a LITTLE SHADE towards Chris Brown!  Check the VIDEO after the JUMP!

Let's hope not...


SHOCKING NEW DETAILS on #RobinWilliams' DEATH! Assistant recounts what he found! [details]

Posted: 12 Aug 2014 01:25 PM PDT

Fans and friends are still REELING over the death of ICONIC actor and comedian, Robin Williams.  TOday, new information is surfacing--it appears it was suicide and a gruesome suicide at that.  Williams assistant was the 1st to find the troubled star dead.  He had apparently HUNG himself with a belt!

Actor and comedian Robin Williams committed suicide by hanging himself with a belt at his Tiburon home and was discovered by his personal assistant, authorities said Tuesday.

The assistant became concerned about 11:45 a.m. Monday after Williams, 63, failed to answer knocks at his bedroom door, said Marin County sheriff's Lt. Keith Boyd, the assistant chief deputy coroner.

Williams' wife had left the home about 10:30 a.m., believing he was still sleeping, Boyd said.

The assistant entered the room and found Williams, clothed, in a seated position and "unresponsive with a belt secured around his neck, with the other end of the belt wedged between the clothes closet door and the door frame," Boyd said. "His right shoulder area was touching the door, with his body perpendicular to the door and slightly suspended."

Williams was "cold to the touch," Boyd said. He had last been seen alive by his wife about 10:30 p.m. Sunday, when she retired to a bedroom, Boyd said. Williams was in a separate room, he said.

Investigators found superficial cuts on the inside of Williams' left wrist. They also found a pocketknife with its blade closed and what looked like dried blood on it, Boyd said.

The beloved performer, who had been seeking treatment for depression, apparently died of "asphyxia due to hanging," Boyd said.

The autopsy, conducted Tuesday by a Marin County sheriff's forensic pathologist at a Napa County morgue, did not reveal any evidence of a struggle or a physical altercation, Boyd said.

Boyd would not discuss whether any suicide note was left. He offered condolences to Williams' family on behalf of his agency.

Toxicology testing, which could take two to six weeks, will determine whether Williams had any chemical substances in his system at the time of his death, Boyd said. The final cause of death won't be finalized until after all testing is done, he said.

Williams had recently battled severe depression, said Mara Buxbaum, his press agent. He had fought cocaine and alcohol addiction, but had spoken little about mental illness.

This summer, Williams admitted himself into the Hazelden rehab center in Minnesota to "fine-tune" his sobriety, according to representatives.

The news of Williams' death shocked the nation and the world, with fans flocking to his Tiburon home, his former home in the Sea Cliff neighborhood of San Francisco and the Pacific Heights house where "Mrs. Doubtfire" was filmed to leave flowers and messages.

Williams will be GREATLY MISSED but his legacy will live on.  Thanks for the LAUGHS and the tears! May you finally rest in peace!


Eyewitness account of #MichaelBrown's LAST MOMENTS before being MURDERED by a Missouri Cop! [details]

Posted: 12 Aug 2014 12:52 PM PDT

The Michael Brown murder and the fall-out from it is still resounding LOUDLY in our minds.  What really happened?  Why did this sensless tragedy have to end this way, and why is killing black youth becoming some common place in our society today?

Those are questions with HEFTY answers that we may never truly understand.  But what we do have is an EYEWITNESS account of Michael Brown's LAST MOMENTS on Earth before being GUNNED DOWN.  This account comes from Dorian Johnson, Brown's friend.  Johnson was an arm's length away from the officer and Brown when the gunfire rang out!

Get his ACCOUNT that you DID NOT hear on the initial news report!

The last moments of Michael Brown's life were filled with shock, fear and terror, says a witness who stood just feet away as a police officer shot and killed the unarmed teen.

"I saw the barrel of the gun pointed at my friend," said Dorian Johnson, 22. "Then I saw the fire come out of the barrel."

Johnson, in an exclusive interview with msnbc, said what began as an order by a police officer to 'get the f— onto the sidewalk' quickly escalated into a physical altercation and then, gunfire.

"I could see so vividly what was going on because I was so close," said Johnson, who said he was within arm's reach of both Brown and the officer when the first of several shots was fired at the teen. Johnson says he feared for his life as he watched the officer squeezing off shot after shot.
Brown's killing on Saturday afternoon has sparked protests and rioting in this small, hardscrabble suburb of St. Louis, where tensions continue to rise between the police and the largely black, mostly poor community. Brown's shooting lifted the lid on a pot that had long been bubbling .

The police say the officer shot Brown after the teen shoved the officer and tried to wrestle the officer's gun from him. But a number of witnesses, including Johnson, refute those claims. And in the wake of the shooting, the Ferguson Police Department has asked the St. Louis County police to step in and take over the investigation.

Meanwhile, the identity of the police officer involved in the shooting has not yet been identified. It is known, however, that the officer who shot Brown has been placed on paid administrative leave.

But as darkness fell over Ferguson on Monday, ongoing protests were stifled by rubber bullets and tear gas fired at protesters by officers, according to witnesses.

Local branches of the NAACP have called on the Justice Department and federal and state law enforcement officials to take over the investigation from local police. The FBI has joined the investigation and the Justice Department has said it is keeping an eye on the case. Attorney General Eric Holder on Monday said that the FBI will help local authorities undertake a "thorough, fair investigation."

For its part, Brown's family has hired local attorney Anthony Gray and Benjamin Crump, a civil rights attorney who represented the family of Trayvon Martin.

"That baby was executed in broad daylight," Crump said during a press conference Monday afternoon, standing beside Brown's mother and father. Crump told a crowd of several dozen that Brown was shot and left in the road like an animal.

"He was a good boy who didn't deserve any of this," said Michael Brown Sr., the teen's father.

"I just wish I could have been there to help my son," the boy's mother, Leslie McSpadden said through tears.

On Monday, McSpadden and Brown's father had planned to drop Brown off at a nearby technical college for the start of his freshman year. Instead, the family is making burial arrangements.
"We can't even celebrate because we have to plan a funeral," McSpadden said.

Johnson, who said he moved into the neighborhood about eight months ago, said he met Brown three months ago and the two became fast friends.

"Everyone else's mentality be on some nonsense, silliness," Johnson said. "But Mike had his mind set on more than that, helping others. I just got a good feeling from being around him."

About 20 minutes before the shooting, Johnson said he saw Brown walking down the street and decided to catch up with him. The two walked and talked. That's when Johnson says they saw the police car rolling up to them.

The officer demanded that the two "get the f—k on the sidewalk," Johnson says. "His exact words were get the f—k on the sidewalk."

After telling the officer that they were almost at their destination, Johnson's house, the two continued walking. But as they did, Johnson says the officer slammed his brakes and threw his truck in reverse, nearly hitting them.

Now, in line with the officer's driver's side door, they could see the officer's face. They heard him say something to the effect of, "what'd you say?" At the same time, Johnson says the officer attempted to thrust his door open but the door slammed into Brown and bounced closed. Johnson says the officer, with his left hand, grabbed Brown by the neck.

"I could see the muscles in his forearm," Johnson said. "Mike was trying to get away from being choked."

"They're not wrestling so much as his arm went from his throat to now clenched on his shirt," Johnson explained of the scene between Brown and the officer. "It's like tug of war. He's trying to pull him in. He's pulling away, that's when I heard, 'I'm gonna shoot you.'"

At that moment, Johnson says he fixed his gaze on the officer to see if he was pulling a stun gun or a real gun. That's when he saw the muzzle of the officer's gun.

"I seen the barrel of the gun pointed at my friend," he said. "He had it pointed at him and said 'I'll shoot,' one more time."

A second later Johnson said he heard the first shot go off.

"I seen the fire come out of the barrell," he said. "I could see so vividly what was going on because I was so close."

Johnson says he was within arm's reach of both Brown and the officer. He looked over at Brown and saw blood pooling through his shirt on the right side of the body.

"The whole time [the officer] was holding my friend until the gun went off," Johnson noted.

Brown and Johnson took off running together. There were three cars lined up along the side of the street. Johnson says he ducked behind the first car, whose two passengers were screaming. Crouching down a bit, he watched Brown run past.

"Keep running, bro!," he said Brown yelled. Then Brown yelled it a second time. Those would be the last words Johnson's friend, "Big Mike," would ever say to him.

Brown made it past the third car. Then, "blam!" the officer took his second shot, striking Brown in the back. At that point, Johnson says Brown stopped, turned with his hands up and said "I don't have a gun, stop shooting!"

By that point, Johnson says the officer and Brown were face-to-face. The officer then fired several more shots. Johnson described watching Brown go from standing with his hands up to crumbling to the ground and curling into a fetal position.
"After seeing my friend get gunned down, my body just ran," he said. He ran to his apartment nearby. Out of breath, shocked and afraid, Johnson says he went into the bathroom and vomited. Then he checked to make sure that he hadn't also been shot.

Five minutes later, Johnson emerged from his apartment to see his friend Mike dead and in the middle of the street. Neighbors were gathering, some shouting, some taking pictures with their cell phones.

Freeman Bosley, Johnson's attorney, told msnbc that the police have yet to interview Johnson. Bosley said that he offered the police an opportunity to speak with Johnson, but they declined.

"They didn't even want to talk to him," said Bosley, a former mayor of St. Louis. "They don't want the facts. What they want is to justify what happened … what they are trying to do now is justify what happened instead of trying to point out the wrong. Something is wrong here and that's what it is."

Johnson says he understands why the tension has boiled over into violence. As the protests seeking justice in Brown's death have grown larger and more volatile, Johnson says he has joined them.

"There are two crowds. An older crowd that wants justice but there's anger. Then it's the younger crowd that wants revenge but there's anger there, too," Johnson said. "What do you expect when something is steadily occurring and its hurting the community and nobody is speaking out or doing anything about it. I feel their anger, I feel their disgust."


WOW! 6 COMMON FOODS we are eating TOTALLY WRONG! [video]

Posted: 12 Aug 2014 12:10 PM PDT

You LEARN SOMETHING NEW EVERYDAY, right? Well you should.  Check out these 6 foods that we actually EAT WRONG everyday, and probably didn't even realize it.  Now the BANANA thing, I found about about that last year and has since CHANGED the way I peel them.  But these other 5 are actually borderline AMAZING.  Check them out HERE!


Things that make you say, HMMMMM?


#MichaelJackson's NEW Short film 'A Place With No Name' to PREMIERE on Twitter TOMORROW! [vid]

Posted: 12 Aug 2014 03:22 AM PDT

Epic Records and The Estate of Michael Jackson, announced today that "A Place With No Name," the next single from this year's critically acclaimed, chart-topping Michael Jackson album XSCAPE [MJJ Music/Epic Records], will make history when it premieres on Twitter (twitter.com). At 10:00 p.m. on Wednesday August 13, 2014 the short film will be tweeted through @MichaelJackson allowing the Twitter universe to be able to view the video within a tweet. And for those fans in New York City, "A Place With No Name" will be shown on the massive Sony screen in Times Square at the very same moment.

Throughout his entire career, Michael has always stood on the cutting edge of groundbreaking technological advancements. With "A Place With No Name" launching exclusively through Twitter, he continues to set the pace of pop culture and music yet again. Follow @MichaelJackson to watch the historical moment from the "King of Pop" unfold.

Increasing anticipation, a preview of the video is set to make its network television debut on the special Michael Jackson themed episode of FOX's So You Think You Can Dance broadcast that same evening beginning at 8PM ET. The show will open with a Top Eight group performance featuring "A Place With No Name" choreographed by the Emmy award-winning Travis Payne, who worked as both back-up dancer and choreographer for Michael Jackson. During the program, all of the Top Eight remaining contestants will compete with new all-star partners and each performance will feature a different Michael Jackson song, including songs from XSCAPE.

Michael re-envisioned America's 1972 classic "A Horse With No Name" to convey a narrative following a man whose car breaks down and is led by a mysterious woman to a utopian place where "no one is in fear" and "no people have pain". It was a collaboration with Elliott Straite [Dr. Freeze] done in 1998 at Record Plant Recording Studio.

The beautifully shot short film, directed by iconic award-winning director Samuel Bayer, whose credits include seminal videos from Nirvana and The Rolling Stones, has been created by following Michael's overall vision for short films which tell the song's story, in this case, of a man enticed into a magical "place" by a mysterious woman. The short film also includes outtakes and behind-the-scenes footage of Michael shot during the production for "In The Closet" short film, which have been kept in the vault since 1992.

Until the VIDEO DROPS TOMORROW, ENJOY This group of CLIPS set to the SONG!



NEW MUSIC: #WizKhalifa 'True Colors' feat. #NickiMinaj [audio]

Posted: 12 Aug 2014 03:04 AM PDT

Wiz Khalifa is prepping his 'Blacc Hollywood' project for an August 19th release.  And the GOTO female rapper, Nicki Minaj POPS up on yet another track for the summer.  Check out Khalifa's 'True Colors' featuring Onika, of course!



WAKE-UP JAM: #ToniBraxton 'Make My Heart'! [video]

Posted: 12 Aug 2014 03:27 AM PDT

Need some ENERGY to GET UP and GET OUT and DO SOMETHING!!!?? Well this is the PERFECT JAM for that.  TONI BRAXTON forever REINVENTING HERSLEF serves up a SAUCY and FIERY DANCE SONG that is sure to put THAT PEP in your STEP that you need RIGHT NOW!!!  And it doesn't hurt that she has the WHOLE BRAXTON CREW in tow as well!!

Get into Toni's 'Make My Heart' from the 'Pulse' project!!!

