
Top Stories of the Day // August 17, 2014


Today's Top Stories // Aug 17, 2014

Turn Any YouTube Video Into A GIF By Just Adding “GIF” To The URL

Want to turn something on YouTube into a GIF, but don't want to futz with downloading third-party apps or digging around for an online converter? Here's a... read more

Three Trends That Will Make A Difference In Mobile Payments

In the summer of 2008, I was in Paris delivering a mobile payments presentation to the CEO of a French bank. At the end of the meeting, he asked me when we... read more

No Rest For The Innovators

If you are in the software business, you have to be cringing at the satirical portrayal of our industry in today's entertainment media. In HBO's... read more


Gillmor Gang: What's That Sound

 The Gillmor Gang — Robert Scoble, Keith Teare, Kevin Marks, Dan Farber, and Steve Gillmor — struggle... read more

CrunchWeek: Amazon Takes On Square, Tech CEOs Get Dunked, BurritoCannon Comes True

 We’re in the mid-August tech news cycle (AKA, it’s pretty slow), which made for some interesting... read more

Fly Or Die: The New Foursquare

As you might have noticed, Foursquare made some big changes this summer. The first was the introduction of a new... read more

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