
Dumb Little Man: Seven Things You Need to Know About Writing for the Web – Whatever Your Job

Dumb Little Man: Seven Things You Need to Know About Writing for the Web – Whatever Your Job

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Seven Things You Need to Know About Writing for the Web – Whatever Your Job

Posted: 11 Aug 2014 06:28 AM PDT

Beach-Girl-LaptopHave you ever read a web page, blog post, Facebook update or email that was just plain bad? Perhaps it was riddled with mistakes – or perhaps it was full of jargon, badly structured, or otherwise difficult to read. Almost all of us will write something online at some point in our lives: a personal blog, a company web page, a Facebook update, an email… And if you want to impress (your clients, your boss, your peers), then you have to be able to write well for the web. It's not hard, but it is a little different from what you might have learned in school. Here's what you need to know: #1: Big Words Don’t Win Any Prizes You don't need to use long, […]

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