
Dumb Little Man: Getting Over Depression: 8 Everyday Things That Help

Dumb Little Man: Getting Over Depression: 8 Everyday Things That Help

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Getting Over Depression: 8 Everyday Things That Help

Posted: 13 Aug 2014 05:26 AM PDT

maxresdefaultDepression is that feeling that makes you unable to recognize the reflection staring at you in the mirror. You feel so heavy like a big rock is placed on your head. Your whole body is stiff like you are bound in some invisible chains. Your eyes are wide open, but your view is blurry. Not even the brightest of lights could brighten up your mood. Like a slow killer, it's gradually eating you up… you need to do something. It's time to get over depression and grab your life back! Here are 8 simple ways to get over depression 1. Write a letter There's something eating you up inside. You may not be able to find the right words to express it, but you know […]

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