
Top Stories of the Day // August 20, 2014


Today's Top Stories // Aug 20, 2014

The noPhone, Because Smartphone Separation Anxiety Is Real

The other day, as I sat on the couch with a dead iPhone resting on my belly, I found myself wondering why my phone is constantly out of battery. And I had a... read more

Uber Opens Its API With 11 Launch Partners, Including OpenTable, TripAdvisor, and United Airlines

Last week, my colleague Josh Constine reported that Uber was preparing to release an API that would enable its on-demand ride-hailing service to be integrated... read more

This Is The Worst App In The World

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Cloud Storage Is Eating The World Alive

"Dead man walking." That is what many in the storage industry are calling IBM's storage hardware business. But its storage competitors, including EMC or HP,... read more

European Investor Admits He Pestered Woman Entrepreneur For Sex In “Deal” Email

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Twitter Pollutes The Timeline

If your Twitter stream is looking a little more random than usual there's a concrete reason for that: Twitter has made a behind-the-scenes change which means... read more

New At Y Combinator: Startups Solving Huge Problems!

During today's YC Demo Day, there was a notable block among the startups presenting that didn't give off the vibe we're used to seeing at this kind of... read more


Fly Or Die: Sex Toys

This episode of Fly or Die, focused on two different sex toys, may seem straightforward, but John and I actually... read more

Sympler Offers An Easy Way To Create Fun, Music-Centric Videos

 Co-founders Ben Jenkins and Alexander Kane swung by the TechCrunch office recently to show off Sympler, their... read more

Gillmor Gang: What's That Sound

 The Gillmor Gang — Robert Scoble, Keith Teare, Kevin Marks, Dan Farber, and Steve Gillmor — struggle... read more

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