
Dumb Little Man: The Best Way to Win an Argument

Dumb Little Man: The Best Way to Win an Argument

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The Best Way to Win an Argument

Posted: 19 Aug 2014 05:35 AM PDT

arguingwithawomantherightway0_1386669821_980x457We all have that friend who loves to argue. You know exactly who I'm talking about- the one who frustratingly has a comeback for everything you say, regardless of how absurd it is. They always seem to get under your skin; just THINKING about them gets you fired up. You would LOVE to best them in an argument, just once. You feel like that satisfaction would put you on top of the world- but HOW can you achieve it? To start looking at this problem, we must break it down. People argue to try and get their point across to YOU, to try to change YOUR mind on something, or to try and put themself above YOU. They have no ammunition if you remove YOURSELF […]

The post The Best Way to Win an Argument appeared first on Dumb Little Man.

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