
THE GAMUTT: Entertainment /Lifestyle Blog

THE GAMUTT: Entertainment /Lifestyle Blog

WATCH: #BlackJesus Episode 1 [full ep]

Posted: 10 Aug 2014 03:54 AM PDT

I'm juat going to sit this right here for your VIEWING PLEASURE!

Adult Swim's CONTROVERSIAL, 'Black Jesus' is FINALLY HERE!!! From the CREATOR of 'The Boondocks', Aaron Mcgruder we have ANOTHER SHOW with a MESSAGE...




Sunday Energy Shot '#WhitneyHouston 'I Love The Lord' [1999 Live performance]

Posted: 10 Aug 2014 02:55 AM PDT

Whitney Houston is ARGUABLY one of the GREATEST SINGERS in POP CULTURE HISTORY!  Be it ROCK, POP, R&B or GOSPEL--Houston's VOICE is UNMATCHED!  Whitney particularly SHINED on GOSPEL tracks and this Sunday Energy Shot is just ONE example of 'The Voice' in action GIVING PRAISES unto THEE!  Listen to FEEL the EMOTION on 'I Love The Lord from Poland, 1999!!!

Sing WHITNEY!!!!


#TI talks NEW ALBUM and PERFORMS on #JimmyFallon with #YoungThug! [video]

Posted: 10 Aug 2014 02:10 AM PDT

It's always a GOOD TIME to be had when you mix one part T.I. one part Jimmy Fallon and a healthy scoop  of  'The Roots', RIGHT?  OF COURSE.  T.I recently stopped by 'The Tonight Show' starring Jimmy Fallon to dish on the UPCOMING NEW SEASON of 'The Family Hustle' premiering on VH1 August 25th, his new album 'Paperwork', and Iggy Azalea.  And it would not be complete without a PERFORMANCE, right!?  Check out T.I. and Jimmy and Young Thug, right here!!!

214881625 by YardieGoals

T.I. Medley feat. Young Thug

21488263 by YardieGoals



#DawnRichard speaks out about #DANITYKANE FIGHT that SPLIT the GROUP! [details]

Posted: 10 Aug 2014 01:38 AM PDT

So Aubrey O'Day and Shannon Bex have said their peace about the Danity Kane fight that broke up the group...FOR A SECOND TIME. Now Dawn 'Real Deal Holyfield' Richard says her side. There are always 3 sides to a story they say, your side her side and THE TRUTH. SO let's try to SIFT THROUGH this ISH and see who's TELLING THE TRUTH HERE. Dawn Richards makes a STATEMENT on her Facebook page about the incident BECAUSE SHE WAS BLOCKED from ALL DANITY KANE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS! Here is what she HAD TO SAY!

SO this is the SIDE we've gotten so far.

Now Dawn took to her FB page to shed a little MORE LIGHT on the SITUATION:

Dear Danity Kane fans,

I am sorry to everyone that this news has to come out. You're worth more. Certain choices were made that I am not proud of. However, I will not be disrespected. Once again, I am sorry to the fans as this should have been handled privately not publicly. I continued to work with both parties to try to release the album even when the original story was leaked without anyone being consulted. I have been unable to release my statement via Danity Kane social media because my access to all Danity Kane social media pages has been blocked by DK members. This forces me to make my statement on my personal page. This could have all been handled privately; however, certain parties chose to make this public before it could be rectified. I am not justifying my actions. I am saying this was all done before any changes or conversations could even be had.
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Don't we just love and LOATH social media at the same time.  Anyways.  LET'S TALK HERE.  So the ladies split over a FIGHT in the studio.  Let's shed some MORE light on the subject.  According to Aubrey O'Day, this is NO ISOLATED EVENT.  There have been YEARS of this TYPE of behavior in the group involving Dawn being VERBALLY ABUSIVE and dismissive to Aubrey and the other ladies.  This was just  the STRAW that broke the camel's back SO TO SPEAK.  

Now if you go back to ;Making The Band' days, recall the FIRST BREAK-UP via Diddy?  Dawn was sitting their all SMUG like she was the BADDEST BITCH in the world, when Diddy DISMANTLED the group and chose to keep her around for his Dirty Money project.  Even when they were auditioning for the group, we got to see the DARK SIDE of Dawn--NO PUN INTENDED.  Now don't get me wrong, Aubrey had her ways too, and Shannon and Aundrea seemed to be the mediators, but at the end of the day, the ladies managed to put out GOOD MUSIC.  FAST FORWARD to 2014, the ladies (Shannon and Aubrey) have a studio session without Dawn and her reaction is to PUNCH somebody in the head?  REALLY?  And she thinks in this DAY and AGE this type pf action that involved the POLICE was going to stay PRIVATE?  She made it PUBLIC the moment she chose to PUNCH that GIRL in the HEAD. PLAIN and SIMPLE. I wasn't there so I don't know all the DETAILS, but for the most part, I tend to side with Shannon and Aubrey's side of things.  Two to one.  If both Shannon and Aubrey have similar accounts of the story, then there must be some truth to it, right?  I am sure some are going to be quick to jump on the RACE CARD, saying the 'WHITE GIRLS banned together to kick the BLACK girl out.' Everything is not about RACE always.  If they wanted it to stay PRIVATE, Dawn should not have resorted to ASSAULT.  That's what it is.  White GIRLS to FIGHT for the most part... they call the POLICE and then FIGHT LEGALLY. WE'll see where this goes. It would have been nice if the ladies could have made a GO of a REUNION.  But from the BEGINNING we KINDA knew this was a TRAINWRECK waiting to happen.  We were ROOTING for the LADIES but inside we knew that it probably wouldn't pan out.  TOO MANY old 'GHOSTS' from the past to get over.  D. Woods and Aundrea dodged a BULLET on this one.
We'll see what happens NEXT!

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