
Top Stories of the Day // July 10, 2014


Today's Top Stories // Jul 10, 2014

Finally, A Way To Find Movies Worth Watching On Netflix

Netflix is like the candy dish at your grandmother's house. Most of the movies are crap, but you know, buried somewhere in there, is something worth your time.... read more

Aereo, The Company Without A Plan B, Finds A Plan C

When Aereo was deemed illegal by the Supreme Court and paused its service last month, it seemed as if the TV streaming service was out of options. But on... read more

Apple Patents Stronger Sapphire Displays And Illuminated Sapphire Controls

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It's hard to write a story without a protagonist, but here goes. In the past week, Tinder's former VP of Marketing Whitney Wolfe filed a complaint with the... read more

Microsoft CEO Gears The Company For Change, And A Renewed Focus On Productivity And Platforms

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Leaked Documents Show How Yelp Thinks It’s Getting Screwed By Google

Documents leaked to TechCrunch from inside Yelp allege that Google is manipulating its search results to favor Google+ content over Yelp content. The materials... read more

Forget “OK Glass,” MindRDR Is A Google Glass App You Control With Your Thoughts

Google Glass has made a name for itself (somewhat infamously) as head-mounted hardware that you can control with your voice and a sliding finger. Now, a team... read more


TC Cribs: Pocket Gems, Where The Office Gets Snazzed Up $100 At A Time

 Today’s episode of Cribs brings us to Pocket Gems, the San Francisco mobile entertainment startup.... read more

Electric Objects Launches Kickstarter Campaign To Build Displays For Digital Art

 Startup Electric Objects aims to build displays for Internet art, separate from devices like laptops and... read more

Fly Or Die: Yo

You might have heard of Yo. It’s a new app that has one singular function: it sends the word “Yo”... read more

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